
How Do You See The Labor Market For Professionals In International Trade In Colombia?

Ricardo Argüello, a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad del Rosario, with a degree in economics from Cornell University ( United States ), and a specialist in agricultural economics, believes that the labor market expands as it becomes more challenging to stay out of the commerce, “trade can be approached from many perspectives, we do it from the economic, others from the organizations, others from the business, etc. It is a relatively broad market, but it still lacks depth. This is something that will occur with a greater insertion of Colombia in international markets “.
“Being a new profession, has a lot of competition, with the high educational offer. However, I am sure that each professional has the responsibility to take advantage of the many opportunities that exist in the field inside or outside the country”, Diana Milena Sarmiento Pulido, the student of the University of Rosario.

What are the fields in which an International Trade professional can practice?
Government: different ministries, mainly ministry of commerce, industry, and tourism.
Customs agencies
Importing companies, exporters.
International cargo agents
Identification of market trends to do perspective and planning.
Execution of commercial operations (imports and exports).

For a professional in International Trade, how important is it to have a postgraduate degree or some other type of complementary training?

“Currently, practically in any labor field, it is important to have equivalent training. For example, if basic training in commerce is oriented to international business issues, complementary training in topics such as economic integration and vice versa will be useful, ” Ricardo Argüello , professor at the Faculty of Economics. of the Universidad del Rosario , with a degree in science Economics by Cornell University ( United States ), and specialist in agricultural economics.

“Complementary for the fact that you always have to progress, the more knowledge you have much more competitive at the professional level and work will be,” says Mayra Lizeth Gomez Mozo, International Commerce student at Antonio Nariño University, South Headquarters ( Bogotá).
“Currently, and not only for a professional in International Trade, but it is also important to have complementary training, as the demands of the labor market have increased, and with it the specificity in the vast majority of fields of action,” Diana Milena Sarmiento Pulido, student at the Universidad del Rosario.